Dinant, a province town full of history - Belgium

Dinant is ancient city, the favorite  daughter of the river Meuse. The city has known a continuous decline since the french occupation. The very famous "dinanderie" production has then fallen apart as it was a virtual concurrent for France. In 1914, the german soldiers have committed a massacre of civilians and have put the city in fire. Dinant is still remembering this tragedy. The Citadel overwhelming the city has never been of any use in nearly any war.

Hopefully, Dinant is also the birth place of a musician: Adophe Sax, who has created the Saxophone amongst many other instruments and musical inventions. He has never lived in Dinant but the city is happy to remember him joyfully.

Another musician was active in Dinant: Max Vandervorst has created the House of Patamusic (La Maison de la Pataphonie), an ode to wild musical and sound creation. The house is located in the beautifully restored House Of Pleban.